Inside Fondazione Golinelli
National Geographic, the most authoritative media brand in the world, presents Fondazione Golinelli.
The video describes, in the words of founder Marino Golinelli and together with those who work with us every day, the vision of the Foundation and its main project areas: education, training, research, enterprise, culture and much more.
Building Our Foundation

The Marino Golinelli Foundation is formed.
The Foundation funds the Operational Unit of Angiology "Marino Golinelli" at the Polyclinic Sant'Orsola-Malpighi in Bologna to support scientific research and raise awareness about the importance of improved information on diseases and their prevention and treatment.

The Life Learning Center is launched. It is the first permanent life sciences training and teaching center in Italy. The innovative center, inspired by the Dolan DNA Learning Center in Cold Spring Harbor (USA) created by Nobel Prize winner J. Watson, is a collaboration between the Marino Golinelli Foundation, the University of Bologna and the Bologna Board of Education.
Following the international conference "Sciences of Life and New Humanism", the Marino Golinelli Foundation acts as a virtual observatory, bringing together internationally renowned scientists and scholars who are called to discuss topics such as the applications of biotechnology in humans, the prospects for gene therapy in medicine, the relationship between cloning and therapy, ethics in the age of technology and the achievement of common legislation on biotechnology.
The website is launched, aimed at primary and secondary school educators and students between the ages of 4 and 13, offering educational and playful online activities to facilitate the discovery and understanding of the world of biology. Considered as “an optimal model of scientific dissemination that can envisage new scenarios for the education and training of young scientists”, won the 2003 Cenacle Award for Publishing.
The three-year pilot project "Bio E-learning" is launched, offering a remote training program focusing on Life Sciences for Italian teachers implemented through an agreement with MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research.

The first edition of "Science in the Square" is launched, later to be called "Art and Science in the Square". The project - designed to bring children, students, teachers and citizens of all ages and cultural backgrounds closer to science, art and culture - transforms the city spaces into workshops, exhibitions, and spaces for meetings and debates on scientific topics.
With the project "Like a Parliament" the Foundation offers students of upper secondary schools the opportunity to carry out government simulations on border issues that involve our daily life.
The art and science exhibit-workshop “Excited about Science” is conceived and the first initiative commissioned by a third party focusing on topics related to environmental sustainability, “A Well of Science” is formed.

The Marino Golinelli Foundation and the city of Bologna inaugurate "START – Creative Culture Laboratory", dedicated to the knowledge, creativity and diffusion of scientific and artistic culture aimed at children 2 to 13 years old and their families. In 2012 the space, located in the rooms of the underpass of Via Ugo Bassi - Rizzoli of Bologna, was selected among the top 10 children centers in Europe.

The Foundation organizes the exhibition Antroposfera. Nuove forme della vita (Anthroposphere. New forms of life) that explores the relationship between us and other living beings.

The Foundation organizes the exhibition Happy Tech. Macchine dal volto umano (Happy Tech. Machines with a human face) that explores the relationship between human beings and machines to help us understand what we want by asking new technologies.

The Foundation organizes the exhibition Da ZERO a CENTO, le nuove età della vita (From ZERO to ONE HUNDRED, the new ages of life) aimed at understanding how and why our body and mind are different from those of previous generations and how it’s possible to best develop their potential.
The national teacher training program is launched in collaboration with the project "Lynx for New Teaching Methods: A National Network". In partnership with the Academy of the Lynx, the Marino Golinelli Foundation has the aim of promoting a new way of teaching focusing on multidisciplinarity, laboratory experimentation, new technologies and cultural insights on the links between research, science, innovation, technology and society.

The EUREKA Trust is established, creating the Giardino delle imprese, an informal school of entrepreneurial culture that nurtures young people's individual talents and aptness to challenge themselves and implement their ideas. As part of the project, successful entrepreneurs and scholars guide students with training, project work, events and practical activities aimed at concrete experimentation and the start-up of an original business idea.
The “Start Up your Life” call is launched, dedicated to students who participated in the Life Sciences Summer School. The experimental project combines learning about science, research and sharing scientific knowledge through the design and creation of innovative publishing products based on the use of new digital technologies for educational purposes, supporting innovation processes in teaching and promoting the dissemination of best practices beginning from teacher and student initiative.

The Foundation organizes Benzine. Le energie della tua mente (Fuels. The energies of your mind), an exhibition combining contemporary art and science to understand what fuels the mind, how to use them, and to discover why they are so much important today than yesterday.Benzine.

The Marino Golinelli Foundation organizes the exhibition GOLA, arte e scienza del gusto (GOLA, the art and science of taste), created in partnership with the Triennale di Milano, that proposes to reflect on the relationship between nutrition and pleasure with the aim of clarifying why taste is a key ingredient in our lives and why it attaches so strongly to our emotional sphere.

Thanks to a major urban redevelopment project, Opificio Golinelli, a citadel of knowledge and culture and the operational base of the activities, was inaugurated in Bologna. The Foundation also changed its name and was renamed Fondazione Golinelli.

The Foundation organizes the exhibition GRADI DI LIBERTÀ (DEGREES OF LIBERTY), conceived in collaboration with the MAMbo – Museum of Modern Art of Bologna, starting from the question “Where and how does our possibility of being free or not begin?”.

The Golinelli Arts and Science Center opens. It is a center for research, imagination and experimentation, hosting the art and science exhibition IMPREVEDIBILE, essere pronti per il futuro senza sapere come sarà (UNFORESEEABLE, being ready for the future without knowing what it will be like).

G-Factor, the incubator-accelerator for start-ups of Fondazione Golinelli, is established and the first “Life Science Innovation 2018” call is launched.

G-Factor opens its headquarters, which is also home to BI-REX, the first Industry 4.0 Competence Center. At the Golinelli Arts and Sciences Center, the new exhibition of arts and science “U.MANO” will open on November 20, 2019, on display until April 9, 2020.